Sunday, January 3, 2010

Open for Submissions

D.F Lewis has released the guidelines for Nemonymous 10: Null Imortallis. It is to be the final in the series. I was luck enough to get into number 9, so will be having a go to get into number 10.

For full guidelines visit - Here

I've just submitted my effort for the Howl: Dark Tales of the Feral and Infernal. The deadline isn't until march so there's still time, more details here

Another that caught my eye that I'll have a go at is The Day Terrors Anthology, details here

Still waiting to hear back from two other anthologies and an eZine.

Have a good 'en!


  1. Just finsihed reading Nemonymous Nine: Cern Zoo and was wondering about that Organ-Grinder with the razor-blade toting Capucin...Hmmm?

  2. All will be revealed at the unveiling of Nemonymous 10: Null Immortalis so you may just be surprised!
