Friday, January 29, 2010

Submissions and Markets

Just threw my hat in for the Zombie Zoology Anthology. Deadline was tonight. So we'll see how that one gets on.

It took longer than I thought to beat into shape so I'll miss the deadline for a decent submission to the Beat to a Pulp Anthology.

I've still got to write one for Nemonymous 10: Null Immortallis, details are here for it. The deadlines not until March so plenty of time.

This market caught my eye as well. Fearology Anthology by Library of the Living Dead, details are here

Been listening to PseudoPod and EscapePod, thinking about trying my hand there too. Be weird listening to someone read your story.

I also want to write something for Pulp Metal Magazine and At the Bijou

Oh, I've a guest spot at The Not on Monday with a little bit of flash.

Have a great weekend, laters.


  1. Are you flashing again? They will lock you up one day! :-0

    Good luck with your submissions. I'll be looking at a couple of them. Too much time at work the past couple of weeks so I've missed a couple of comps.

    Take care mate, David.

  2. Mister Prolificarium!

    Good luck with all of them. Don't know how you keep up.

