In the last post I said what my immediate plans were. Getting a piece done for Matt Hilton's new Pulse Antho and getting one done for Thrillers, Killers 'n' Chillers. Halway done with the thriller, it's taking longer because unlike horror I have to stay in the confines of the 'real' world, don't know how people do it! The horror piece is in at TKnC so will hopefully see the light of day soon.
Couple of things worth a mention.
Red Skies Press still has some open anthologies, and if you want to get a taste of what the editor is like he has an interview up here with Richard Godwin.
The Dark Lady Lily Childs has a new collection of dark verse out, Courting Demons, available in eBook and paperback, it can be seen here.
And everyone's favourite hard man is tooled up and ready for action in his latest adventure, his 8th to date. Rules of Honor by Matt Hilton, get it here.
I've been going through the 'Vault' It's a collection of files I've carried like an old trunk from computer to computer and has all my writings in. After mooching through it the other day I realised how terrible I am at finishing stuff. I'm going to spend a week or so tying them up and then letting them loose on here before sitting down and writing something new.
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