Thursday, July 30, 2009

Guest spot

The esteemed Michal Solender is going off on vacation and has asked some of his writing friends to hand over the goods for whilst he is away so his blog home doesn't look abandoned. My The Lunatic, will be getting aired on the 6th of August. It's a ickle piece that works as a periphery to my Osseous Box effort which can be found at Thrillers, Killers 'n' Chillers He's very sensible in wanting the stuff upfront instead of handing over the passwords and asking me to post live, guess we'll never know how my resignation letter on the behalf of Michael pans out. Even learnt about zoology too, sigh.


  1. I'm not steamed at anyone....but loving the chance to feature your piece, glad I read it in the morning otherwise it would surely keep me up all night...

  2. By the way its the 6th not the 8th. you may want to edit that - I had it right all along, that's why I keep all sets of keys, can't even trust the job is so safe...

  3. Now I've done did it. I went to check (always a good thing) it is the 6th - next Thursday, but my email to Lee had the date in error..maybe I should resign....perhaps i'm not so esteemed after all... sorry - Pop by on the SIXTH to read Lee's piece - One thing I am certain about is that it is a SMASHER.

  4. I don't make mistakes! I quote the immortal Bob Ross, "There's no such things as mistakes, just happy little accidents."
