Saturday, March 6, 2010

Usual end of week/new week post

I submitted last week to two more Lame Goat Press anthologies.

Novus Creatura


Don't Tread on Me

So we'll see how those pan out.

Been reading a couple of short story collections this week. Philip K. Dick's Volume 5 of The Collectedf Stories and the man's a top dog when it comes to sci-fi. And also been reading the Conan Chronicles. As fantasy is one of the genres I love to read but have never really written in. Raymond E. Feist's Magician is in my top 5 books. And with the Sword and Scorcery 25 anthology looming ahead which I fancy having a go at it's good preparation.

Have a good'en

1 comment:

  1. Lee,
    How long did Lame Goat take to respond to your subs?
